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Layer: Existing Bike Facilities (ID: 0)

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Name: Existing Bike Facilities

Display Field: name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: Until recently, ACHD only had ‘bike lanes’ and ‘bike routes,’ with a wide degree of variability in what was identified as a bike route. Bike routes included Ellis Ave, a 20mph local street in Boise’s North End, and Hwy 69/Meridian Road, a 5-lane, 55mph state highway. So, we’re working on re-characterizing our bike network to give a better indication of what riders can expect. We’re still working on this, but it basically works something like this:Bike Lane indicates an exclusive bike facility along the roadway delineated with a 6”-8” white line and bicyclist stenciling. We strive for a width of 5’-6.5’ when installing new bike lanes, although there are a number out there that do not meet this standard. Bike Lane designation gives no indication of the traffic conditions of the road, but it will generally be a posted speed of 30mph and above, and daily volumes in excess of 5000 cars.Neighborhood (or Local) Bike Route indicates a generally low-traffic, low-speed (20-25mph) facility on which nearly all riders would be comfortable. These are generally a good alternative route to a busy street (such as Ellis for State or Phillippi for Orchard). We also try to align these routes with enhanced pedestrian/bike crossings of busier streets, such as Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) or Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB).Shared Bike Route indicates a facility with moderate speeds (generally 25-30mph) and volumes, but with characteristics that make it suitable for most riders (wide outside lanes, shoulders, or shared lane markings in some cases).Highway Bike Route indicates a facility with high speeds (35mph and over) and high volumes of traffic, making them advisable only for more daring and experienced riders. They generally have at least have paved shoulders 4’ or wider.Multiuse Paths include facilities that are separated from motor traffic, such as the Federal Way Path and the Boise River Greenbelt.The map was modified from an original created by the Community Planning Association (COMPASS) when they oversaw the map's creation and distribution. In 2006 COMPASS passed these responsibilities on to ACHD.

Copyright Text: Chuck Spencer, ACHD and Matt Edmond, ACHD June 20, 2013

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